abandon abandoned abortion abroad absence absolute academic acceptable access accident accommodation accompany accurate achievement acid acknowledge acquire acquisition acre activist actor actress actual additional adequate adjust admire advanced advertise advise adviser advocate afford afraid afterwards aged agenda aggressive agricultural agriculture ah air force alarm alcohol alert Algerian alive allegation alliance allied alongside alter altogether amateur amazing ambassador ambition amendment amid analysis ancient anger angle angry anniversary announcement antique anxiety anxious anybody anywhere apart apartment apparent apple application appoint appointment appreciate appropriate approval arise arrange arrangement arrival aside assault assembly assess assessment assist assistance assistant associate associated assumption assured athlete atmosphere attorney attractive auction auto automatic autumn await awful background backing badly bake ballot banker banking bare barely bargain barrel barrier baseball basically bass bat bath bathroom bay beach bean bearing beaten beating beauty bedroom beer beginning behalf behave being belief bell belong belt bend beneath beside besides bet Bible bike birth birthday bitter blast blind bloody blow boil bone boom boost boot bore borrow bother bound bowl boyfriend branch brand brave bread breakfast breast breath breathe breed brilliant broadcast broadcasting broker brush bunch burden burst bury bus businessman busy butter button buyer bye cable cake calm cancel cap capable capacity capture carbon caring carrier castle casualty cat category Catholic cautious cave CD CD player CD-ROM cease ceasefire celebrate celebration ceremony chain chamber chaos characteristic charity chart charter chase chat cheer cheese chest chicken childhood chip chocolate chop cigarette cinema circuit circumstance cite civilian clash classical clever client climate climb clinic clock clothing cloud coal coalition coat code coffee collective colonel coloured column combat combination combine comedy comfort comfortable command commander commentator commerce communicate communication compare comparison compensation compete competitive competitor complaint complicated component comprehensive compromise concede concentrate concentration concept concerned concert concession conclude conclusion concrete condemn confident confront confrontation connection conscious consciousness consequence consideration considering consist consistent constitution constitutional construction consult consultant contemporary contest context continent contrast contribute contribution controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert convict conviction convince convinced cooking co-operate cope core corporate corporation corruption cottage cotton cough counsel counter counterpart countryside courage coverage cow craft crazy creative crew cricket criticize crop crown crucial cruise crystal cue cultural cure curious currency curtain cutting CV cycle dad dancing dare deadline dealer dear debut deck declaration decorate define definitely definition delegate delegation deliberate delight delighted delivery demonstrate demonstration demonstrator departure deposit depression depth description desert deserve designer desperate destruction detailed detective determined device dialogue diary dig digital diplomat diplomatic dirty disappear disappointed disaster discipline discount discovery dish dismiss distribution dividend DNA done draft drag drain drama dressed drift drum dump dust eager ear earnings ease easily echo economics economist edit editorial educational efficient elderly electoral electric electricity electronic elegant eliminate elsewhere embassy emotion emotional emphasis emphasize empire employ employer employment empty enable encounter enemy engage engineer engineering enhance enormous enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiasm entirely entitle equal equally equity equivalent era error essentially establishment etc ethnic everywhere evil exactly examination exception excerpt excess exciting excuse execute exhaust exhibition exile existence existing expand expansion expectation expense experiment explanation explode exploit explore explosion expose exposure expression extensive extent extraordinary extreme fabric faction fade fairly faith familiar fantasy fare fate fault federation fence fierce fighter fine fiscal fishing fix fixed flag flash flavour flee fleet flexible float flood fold folk fool forecast foreigner forest formula forth fortune found foundation founder frame fraud freeze friendly friendship frustrate fry fulfil fundamental funding funny furniture gallery gang gap gate GDP gear gene generate generous gentle gentleman genuine gesture giant gift girlfriend given glad glance global GNP golden golf govern GP grab grade gradually graduate grain grass grave grip gross guerrilla guilty guitar habit hall halt harbour hardliner harm hat hate headline headquarters heal healthy hearing heaven height helicopter hello hero hi hide higher education highlight hill hint hip hire historic historical HIV holder holy homeless homosexual honest honour hook horror household huh humour hunt hunter ibid ideal identity illegal illness illustrate illustration imagination IMF immediate immigrant immigration immune implement implication imply importance impress impression impressive improvement inch incredible index indication industrialized inevitable infect infection inform ingredient initial initially initiative injured inner inning innocent inquiry inspect inspector install instant instruction instrument integrate intellectual intelligence intelligent intense intention interesting interim interior internal intervention invasion invest invitation involvement iron ITV jacket jail jazz jet joke journey joy judgment juice junior jury justify keen killer killing kilometre kiss knee knife knock know-how Kremlin label laboratory lad lake lama landscape lane lap Latin latter laughter layer leaf leak lean leap lease leather lecture lee legislation lend lens lesbian lesson liberate liberty library licence lie light limited lip literary literature live live-in living load lobby local authority location lock locked long-time loose lost loud lovely lover lower Ltd luck lucky luxury mad made-up magic mail make-up manner manufacture manufacturer map margin marine marked marketing married mask massive mate maximum mayor meal meaning meat mechanism medal medicine medium membership mental merchant mere merely merger mess metal metre midnight mild militant milk mill mind miner minimum minor mirror missile missing mixed mixture mobile moderate modest monetary monitor monthly mood moon moral moreover mostly motion motivate mount mum muscle musical musician mutual mystery myth nationalist native NATO naturally naval Nazi nearby neat necessarily neck negative neighbour nerve nervous net nevertheless newly news agency NHS nightmare nod noise normally nose noted notion nowhere numerous nurse objective observe observer obtain occasional occupation ocean o'clock offence offensive offering one's onto opening opera operator opponent oppose opposed opposite opt optimistic ordinary organized organizer origin originally ought ourselves outcome outline output outstanding overcome overnight overseas overwhelming owe ownership pace pact painful palace pale pan panel panic parliamentary part participate partly partnership passage passenger passion path pause PC peaceful peak peer peg pen penalty penny pension pepper percentage perfectly permanent permission permit personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase philosophy photographer phrase pick-up pile pill pilot pipe pit pitch plain planet planning plastic plate platform pleasant pleased pleasure pledge plenty plot plunge pocket poem poet poetry point of view pole policeman police officer pollution pool port portrait pose pot potato pour poverty PR practical praise precisely predict pregnancy pregnant premier premium preparation preserve presidency presumably previously pride priest primary prime principal prior priority privatize procedure proceed profession profile prominent promotion prompt proof proper properly proportion prosecution protein proud province provision provoke psychological pub publication publicity publisher publishing pump punch pupil pure pursue qualified qualify quantity quit racial racing rage raid rail railway rally rank ranking rape rare rarely rating raw ray RC react reading rear reasonable reckon recognition recommendation recording recover recovery recruit reduction reel reference referendum regime register regret regulation regulator relate related relative relatively relax reliable religion reluctant rely remaining remark remarkable remind remote renew rent repair replacement reputation requirement rescue resign resignation resist resistance resolve resort Restoration restore restriction resume retail retain retire retirement retreat revenue reverse revolution revolutionary reward rhythm rice rid rider right-on right-wing ring riot rocket romantic roof root rose rough routine row rugby ruin ruling rumour runner rural rush sack sacrifice sail saint sake salary salt sample sand satellite sauce saving scandal scientific scream script secretary-general Secretary of State Security Council seek segment seize select selection self senator sensible sensitive seriously servant shade shadow shame shaped shareholder sheet shelter shift shirt shoe shopping shore shortage shortly short-term shout shut sick sigh signal silence silent silver singer sink ski sky slice slide slight slim smart smash smell smoking smooth snap snow so-called soccer socialist software soil solicitor solid solve somehow somewhat somewhere sophisticated soul spare spark speaker specialist specialize species specifically spectacular speculate spell spin spiritual spite sponsor spray spur squad squeeze stadium stamp stare State Department statistic steady steal steam steel stem stimulate stir stock exchange stock market stomach storm strain strategic stream strengthen stretch strict striking string strip stroke stupid subsequent subsidy substance substantial substitute sudden sufficient sugar suggestion suicide suitable sum super superb superior supermarket surely surgery surplus surprised surprising surrender survival suspend suspicion sustain sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol sympathy symptom tackle tactic tail takeover tale talent tall tank tap task force teaching technical teenager temperature temple temporary tendency tennis tension terrorist testing text theme therapy thick thin thorough threatening throat tide tight till tiny tip tired tissue titled ton tone tool tooth torture tourist tournament tower toy trace trader tradition traffic tragedy trail training transaction transform transition trap traveller treasury tremendous trend trick trigger triumph truck truly tube tune tunnel twin twist typical ultimate ultimately unable underground undermine understanding unemployment unexpected unfair unfortunately unhappy unidentified uniform unique united unity universe unknown unlike unusual upper upset urban urgent user valley valuable van vary vast vegetable venture venue verdict vessel veteran via vice victimize viewer violate violent virtually virus visible vision visitor vital vitamin vol. voluntary volunteer vulnerable wage wake Wall Street warning wash watch weaken wealth wedding weekly weigh welfare well-known wet wheel whenever whereas whilst whip whisper Whitehall White House wicket widespread winning winter wipe wire wise withdrawal witness wooden worldwide worried worse worst wrap written yacht yen yield youngster yours zone